深入了解欧洲-中国生物技术公司 | Deep Dive into European-China Biotech Cooperation

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2019-11-26 18:30 - 2019-11-26 21:00

上海市静安区恒丰路399号达邦协作广场6楼 [查看地图]



11月26日,星期二, 晚上6:30至9:00点,上海健谈会联盟、 Kantar Health、Bryan Garnier、斐药圈将共同举办下班后交流活动,嘉宾为创世杰的首席行政官Philippe Archinard、天士力商务拓展副总监张瑜。交流会由百放英库全球原创新药创新中心的联合创始人和总裁高毅主持。 

On Tuesday, November 26th from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Shanghai Healthcare Drinks Alliance, Kantar Health,  Bryan Garnier and ChinaMed Capital will hold an after work fireside chat with Philippe Archinard, CEO of Transgene and Robin Zhang, VP of Business Development for Tasly. The fireside chat will be moderated by Donald Gao, President of BioFront Drug Discovery Center. 


The fireside chat will delve into various topics including:

  1. 欧洲生命科学产业现状与总体竞争。

    The current situation in Europe’s Life Science industry and the general view on Chinese innovation and capital.

  2. 创世杰- 天士力历史性合资企业双方的启示。 

    Lessons from both sides of the Transgene-Tasly historic Joint Venture.

  3. 回顾中国疫苗发展以及包括癌症疫苗最新动态,着眼于中国将如何引领。

    Review of vaccine development in China and updates on new technologies including cancer vaccines with an eye to how

    China can lead.

  4. 辩论中国生物技术公司是否该关注欧洲而不是美国或其他国家。

    Debate on if its time for Chinese biotech companies to focus on Europe instead of the US or somewhere else.


Philippe Archinard

Chairman and CEO, Transgene

Philippe Archinard于2004年12月出任首席执行官,并于2010年6月成为董事长。他于1985年在bioMérieux开始了他的职业生涯,在法国和美国担任过各种职务,包括美国业务的首席执行官。自2014年以来,Philippe Archinard一直是Bioaster科学合作基金会主席,这是一家致力于传染病和微生物学的技术研究所。他拥有里昂大学的化学工程学位和生物化学博士学位。

Philippe Archinard became Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in December 2004 and Chairman in June 2010. Prior to joining Transgene, Philippe served as CEO of Innogenetics. He began his professional career with bioMérieux in 1985, where he held various positions in France and the United States, including CEO of U.S. operations. Since 2014, Philippe Archinard has been Chairman of the Bioaster Scientific Cooperation Foundation, an Institute of Technological Research dedicated to infectiology and microbiology. He holds a chemical engineering degree and a PhD in biochemistry from Lyon University.


Robin Zhang 


Executive Director, VP of Strategy and BD, Tasly Biopharmaceuticals


Since he joined Tasly, Dr. Zhang successfully closed more than 20 deals with about 200 million USD investment. Prior joined Tasly, Dr. Zhang served several positions in Pfizer, Bayer, IMS, Alfred Mann Foundation, and UBS. Dr. Zhang graduated from Beijing Medical University and received his PhD of Pathology from School of Medicine & Dentistry and MBA of Health Science Management and Finance from Simon Business School of University of Rochester. 


Donald Gao 


Co-Founder and President, Biofront Drug Discovery Innovation Center

高毅先生是百放英库全球原创新药孵化加速器的联合创始人和总裁。此前,他是远毅资本(VC)的创始合伙人,并曾在数家国际私募股权(PE)基金担任高级投资管理人员。高先生还曾在硅谷从事以医疗健康和生物技术为重点的早期风险投资,并在美国花旗银行投资银行部从事跨境交易杠杆融资。高毅先生与“中国风险投资之父”成思危先生有合著;他是美国门萨俱乐部终身会员。高毅先生是哈佛大学工商管理硕士, 他也是哈佛商学院上海校友会主席。

Mr. Donald Gao is Co-Founder and President of BioFront Innovation Accelerator. Previously, he was the Founding Partner of Marathon Venture Partners and worked at several international private equity funds. Earlier, Donald conducted early stage investments in life science and biotechnology in Silicon Valley and was engaged in cross-border leverage financing in Citigroup. Donald received an MBA from Harvard Business School. He is also the President of HBS Club of Shanghai.


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